Its all about us...

My photo
Staverton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
We produce handcrafted gifts and accessories whilst changing nappies and feeding the ducks! We enjoy creating lovely thigns from gorgeous fabrics, we also enjoy passing our enthusiasm on by way of local workshops.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Creative start to our holiday...

Have had a lovely day at Millie Moon in Frome today with Vicky making doorstops! Met some lovely ladies too.

So tomorrow we head off to the beach for a couple of days for some sea air and hopefully some sunshine, fingers crossed!

However have no fear, we're not gone long! We have a few big orders to fill so will be back on Sunday.

With this in mind, we have a pincushion workshop running at Jumble Jelly in Bradford on Avon and numerous bunting workshops running at Millie Moon throughout the summer. If you are looking for something to do with your creative daughter, we are running flower headband workshops at Millie Moon in April. Suitable from age 8 upwards (mums, grams, aunties welcome and they can make brooches and fascinators to match)

Phew it's going to be a busy year x keep up, we've hit 2012 running!

Monday, 27 February 2012

Another productive evening at Dbob HQ

So we're off to the beach for a few days and had a quick panic bobble before we attempt to pack for all weathers.

Bunting cut, hearts filled and another lickle lavender stack to add to the stock.

Plus exciting news in the pipeline and I'm just bursting to tell, will have to keep schtum for a few more weeks....

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Good evening...

Today has been a busy day in the Dufflebobble household.

Started the day at 7am (!) with a car boot sale (bit random i know) and then home to bobble in the sunshine. Such gloriously inspiring weather that we bobbled late into the evening and created some new pretties to add to the collection.

Lavender Pillow Stack                                  &              Lavender Hearts with matching Canvas
All are now available in our Folksy Shop

Plus, a duffle bag for ballet shoes or jammys.
A rather productive day had by all.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

New year, new and exciting things

Can't believe we last blogged back in June! So naughty!
Anyway, we have done It's Darling and had a very successful vintage and handmade fair with them in November 2011, we hit Green Park for a spot of Christmas selling which was incredibly cold but very enjoyable.

So what's in store for 2012?
Duffle bobble will be selling all over Wiltshire, showcasing new and exciting designs. We will also be for sale in a couple of local national trust shops and running workshops in Frome and Bradford on Avon. Phew

Watch this space for dates and further information.